
Monday, July 16, 2007

Google Search Hacking

Google Search Hacking

Well if u ask me this is the best Part " how to Search ",

Anyone anywhere needs something out fo the great "www",

now if u know how to grab hold to "something" in one click that is the skill,

this article henceforth is one of my best my best,

n especially crafted to meet all ur needs !!

This page is continued to


Google Operators:

Operators are used to refine the results and to maximize the search value. They are your tools as well as ethical hackers’ weapons
Basic Operators:

+, -, ~ , ., *, “”, |,


Advanced Operators:

allintext:, allintitle:, allinurl:, bphonebook:, cache:, define:, filetype:, info:, intext:, intitle:, inurl:, link:, phonebook:, related:, rphonebook:, site:, numrange:, daterange

Basic Operators !!

(+) force inclusion of something common

Google ignores common words (where, how, digit, single letters) by default:
Example: StarStar Wars Episode +I

(-) exclude a search term
Example: apple –red

(“) use quotes around a search term to search exact phrases:
Example: “Robert Masse”

Robert masse without “” has the 309,000 results, but “robert masse” only has 927 results. Reduce the 99% irrelevant results

Basic Operators

(~) search synonym:
Example: ~food
Return the results about food as well as recipe, nutrition and cooking information

( . ) a single-character wildcard:
Example: m.trix

Return the results of M@trix, matrix, metrix…….
( * ) any word wildcard

Advanced Operators: “Site:”

Site: Domain_name
Find Web pages only on the specified domain. If we search a specific site, usually we get the Web structure of the domain



Advanced Operators: “Filetype:”

Filetype: extension_type

Find documents with specified extensions

The supported extensions are:

- HyperText Markup Language (html) - Microsoft PowerPoint (ppt)
- Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf) - Microsoft Word (doc)
- Adobe PostScript (ps) - Microsoft Works (wks, wps, wdb)
- Lotus 1-2-3 - Microsoft Excel (xls)
(wk1, wk2, wk3, wk4, wk5, wki, wks, wku) - Microsoft Write (wri)
- Lotus WordPro (lwp) - Rich Text Format (rtf)
- MacWrite (mw) - Shockwave Flash (swf)
- Text (ans, txt)

Note: We actually can search asp, php and cgi, pl files as long as it is text-compatible.

Example: Budget filetype: xls

Advanced Operators “Intitle:”

Intitle: search_term

Find search term within the title of a Webpage

Allintitle: search_term1 search_term2 search_term3
Find multiple search terms in the Web pages with the title that includes all these words

These operators are specifically useful to find the directory lists

Find directory list:
Intitle: Index.of “parent directory”

Advanced Operators “Inurl:”

Inurl: search_term
Find search term in a Web address

Allinurl: search_term1 search_term2 search_term3
Find multiple search terms in a Web address

Inurl: cgi-bin
Allinurl: cgi-bin password

Advanced Operators “Intext;”

Intext: search_term
Find search term in the text body of a document.

Allintext: search_term1 search_term2 search_term3
Find multiple search terms in the text body of a document.

Intext: Administrator login
Allintext: Administrator login

Advanced Operators: “Cache:”

Cache: URL
Find the old version of Website in Google cache

Sometimes, even the site has already been updated, the old information might be found in cache


Advanced Operators

Conduct a number range search by specifying two numbers, separated by two periods, with no spaces. Be sure to specify a unit of measure or some other indicator of what the number range represents

Computer $500..1000
DVD player $250..350

Advanced Operators: “Daterange:”

Daterange: <start_date>-<end date>

Find the Web pages between start date and end date

Note: start_date and end date use the Julian date
The Julian date is calculated by the number of days since January 1, 4713 BC. For example, the Julian date for August 1, 2001 is 2452122


Vulnerabilities date range: 2453196-2453258

Advanced Operators “Link:”

Link: URL
Find the Web pages having a link to the specified URL

Related: URL
Find the Web pages that are “similar” to the specified Web page
info: URL

Present some information that Google has about that Web page
Define: search_term

Provide a definition of the words gathered from various online sources


Define: Network security

Advanced Operators “phonebook:”

Search the entire Google phonebook
Search residential listings only
Search business listings only

Phonebook: robert las vegas (robert in Las Vegas)
Phonebook: (702) 944-2001 (reverse search, not always work)
The phonebook is quite limited to U.S.A

Latest page update: made by rahuldutt1, Dec 6, 12:51 AM EST

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Edited by rahuldutt1

76 words added

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  • posted anonymously

    hey can u teach me how to hack e-mail accounts

    posted by


    May 28, 11:20 PM EDT


    hey i hav had a problem since last few weeks a guy is teasin me by hackin each and every account i make i want to do the same to him plz help me out ill b thankful

    BABYE.......... TC

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  • posted anonymously

    slim fast

    posted by


    May 7, 9:57 PM EDT


    <a href="">Slim·Fast</a> understands that weight loss is about losing the weight and keeping it off.<br />
    We know that weight loss is a state of mind as much as it is a physical state. That is why we are committed to helping our dieters achieve their goals in a nutritious and healthy manner.</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>We are dedicated to helping you succeed in losing weight and keeping it off – for years not months. In late 2004, we introduced the new <a href="">Slim·Fasts</a> Optima Diet; a remarkable new approach based on having a healthy personal goal for weight loss, rather than trying to achieve an impossible &quot;perfect" goal. We understand that dieting is not about being a perfect size 4 or 6 – some of us look and feel terrific in a 10 or 12. <a href="">The Slim·Fast</a> Optima Diet believes one size does not fit all. Your diet must be customized to meet your specific needs
    <p>We believe achieving healthy weight loss is really all about calorie reduction. In order to burn fat, you must eat less and move more. In other words, calories in need to be less than calories out. We know that it is almost impossible to succeed when you're cutting calories on your own. It is often very complicated and can leave you feeling starved.</p>
    <p>That's why <a href="">Slim Fast</a> Optima makes calorie reduction more manageable so real weight loss success can be within reach. Our Optima products feature harder-working calories, which in contrast to regular &quot;empty" calories, provide a precise nutritional balance of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates and healthy fat blends.</p>

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  • posted anonymously

    how to make a sladerr

    posted by


    Apr 14, 6:46 AM EDT


    yaar how to make a salderr nu can rep on my hotmail.account

    dat iz

    n how to hack an id i read it but i can't understand

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