Click on any icon on the right side of the menu bar while holding down the Apple key. You will be able to rearrange the order, or even remove it completely by dragging it down off the bar.
Quick Editing in iCal
Here's my favorite new tip of all. When entering or editing an event in ical, it's an extra click to have to click on Edit. To go directly to the editing panel, highlight the event and click Apple-E (for edit). Make your changes and click enter. Much faster.
Show Birthdays in iCal
If you have birthdays listed in your address book under the "Birthday" heading, you can have ical list them automatically on your schedule. Simply go into the ical preferences and select "show birthdays".
A Universal Keyboard Shortcut
Here's a keyboard shortcut that works almost everywhere - on the web, on the Mac, even on PC. When you have a series of fields (or text boxes) that you are filling out, you know you can click Tab to go from one to the next. The tip is that you can click Shift-Tab to go BACK one. This can be a huge timesaver, especially if you get in the habit of doing it all the time. I use it most when composing emails in Mac Mail, Outlook or even gMail. I may enter an address, then the subject, then decide I want to add another name in the To: box. This also works in itunes Get Info screens, and anywhere else where there are fields to fill out.and make a change, it updates the result instantly.
iTunes: Go to Current Song
If you are listening to a song in itunes and you don't know what song it is, just click Apple-L, and itunes will show you the current song in the library.
iCal: Go to Today
Click Apple-T to return to the current day in the calendar display.
New Help Feature in Leopard
This is a great tip that works in any program. If you forget how to do something, go to Help on the menu and type the name of the function you're looking for. If the function is accessible from the menu bar options in that program, Help will open the menu bar listing for you and point to the option you want. It's really helpful in complicated programs like Photoshop, where there are hundreds of tools hidden among the menu bar listings. Go ahead, try it now! Click on Help and type Page Setup. Don't click enter, just wait and then point to Page Setup in the result listing.
Best Way to Organize Photos
I don't like iPhoto. I know it's pretty, but I don't like that every time you edit a photo it creates a duplicate file, effectively taking up twice as much space on your hard drive. Finally I've found another program that works better: Adobe Lightroom. It's really brilliant. There's way to much to talk about here, just try it. There's a 30 day trial available from Adobe, and I'm sure you could find it on BTJunkie or Pirate Bay if you tried.
Quick Calculator in Spotlight
The calendar function in Spotlight is so quick and easy, I use it much more often than I ever used the calculator. To use it, open Spotlight (Apple-Space) and type the calculation. Example: 12*24. That's all you need to type. And if you backspace
Friday, January 18, 2008
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